18. Medical Cannabis Demystified - Dr Garrett Mc Govern - #CADrugsUse Reflections

1 year ago

In our latest Drop in our Canna We Talk Now? we speak with one of the very few Doctors in Ireland that is not afraid to speak out about the merits of Cannabis as a medicine… The almost singular voice of Dr Garrett Mc Govern.

Garrett is Clinical Lead HSE Addiction Services & GP Specialising in Addiction Medicine.

Dr Garrett McGovern is a Medical Director and Founder of the Priority Medical Clinic, the first medically led private OUTPATIENT alcohol and drug addiction treatment programme in Ireland. Dr McGovern brings a wealth of experience having worked in the field of alcohol, drug and behavioral addiction since 1998. He started out treating heroin addiction and has continued in the opiate dependence field. In recent years opiate addiction has exploded in Ireland beyond heroin with the emergence of painkiller opiate use.
His approach is pragmatic, evidence based, non-judgemental and individually tailored to the patient.

So it is a mystery to so many that such an experienced voice was overlooked as part of the ongoing Citizens Assembly… the fact that he is so outspoken and never afraid to pull his punches has created a lot of unease around the organisation of the Assembly.

This is EXACTLY why the Irish Canna Clinic created these series of Talks to give a space to the so many voices that are being left out of the conversation we believe by design!

You will find Garrett on

X - @additionsPMC
WEB: http://prioritymedicalclinic.ie/
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/garrett-mcgovern-%F0%9F%87%BA%F0%9F%87%A6-64328743/?originalSubdomain=ie

Irish Canna Clinic On Social Media

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@irishcanna
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IrishCannaClinic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/irishcannaclinic/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IrishCanna
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-3052976
TIKTOK: @irishcanna

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