Everything wrong with red light cameras in under a minute

2 years ago

My tribute to those wonderful devices. Dedicated the city that has cameras for inconsequential traffic infractions but can't seem to address sky high rates of gun violence, poverty, and homelessness. Thanks for looking out for our best interests!

00:00 Brings traffic in residential areas
00:08 Encourages erratic driving
00:24 Increases public mistrust and paranoia
00:28 Distracts Drivers
00:31 Hefty fines for inconsequential honest mistakes
00:35 Encourages speeding and sudden stops
00:39 Makes me look stupid in front of my uber rider
00:45 Causes law abiding citizens to resent a government that can set up spy cameras for traffic tickets but can't address the gun violence, poverty, or homelessness that plagues the city

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