The Mystic Journey of Ascension - Lyrical Spirtual Hip Hop Mix ((432Hz))

1 year ago

This mix will hearken towards individual and collective efforts and experiences involved in this so-called ascension process.. People think it's going to be some kind of event, but i see it as a process.. shift happens, yes, but there are requirements and numbers of people (think of 100th monkey effect, which is kinda why I have this lil monkey hanging around my current youtube channel picture) needed to obtain it.. even if shift comes, there's no guarantee and I feel that it's how we work with the higher vibrational fields of consciousness that will make the difference in the individual, thus transmuting their enlightenment outward to the collective.. This takes inner and outer work- this is not some self gratification easy life-hack scenario, nor a spectator sport.. As within, as without.. know thyself and you will know the universe.. We must align ourselves with Natural/Universal Law if we wish to see and manifest any of this to occur..

p.s. avoid those false light tunnel soul trappings when this current 3D incarnation you have ends

not just lyrical ascension, but also some verbal interventions over melodic inventions to be heard throughout all dimensions

link to my playlist of mixes removed from youtube including this mix that you should be able to easily download..


Third Truth - Nu Vision
Attention Ascension - Opoetik
Ascension - Pep Love
Lyrical Graffiti- Ka Zodiac
Bliss and Antahkarana Heru Ki Nabu - Escalier Céleste (Celestial Stairway)
The Key - El*A*Kwents
Eternal Boundlessness - ATMA
3rDimension - Bloody Monk Consortium
Flight of The Navigator - TruthSeekah & Rasul Allah
Innergalactic - Illuminati Congo x Mike Wird x Diles
Ascension Dimension Interlude - Various
Justice - Goddess Alchemy Project
3 Men Marching - 3 Melancholy Gypsies
D.A.R.E. VQ Unstoppable - People Under Th Stairs x DJ Day x Diverse
The Cave - Squil x Magi Shaman freestyle
Some Other Place - Karen Gibson Roc
The Limit - Audiopharmacy
Awakening - Ursula Rucker ft. by 4hero
Immortal Souls - Mystik Journeymen

Arranged, Mixed & Recorded in 432Hz in La Ciotat, France in 2019 by Derek Bartolacelli aka AwakenYaMind


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