Geese share nest #geese #pilgrimgeese

7 months ago

Our two geese are sharing a nest. There’s a little concern, as one goose staring sitting a couple of weeks before the other. The other kept laying eggs into the nest that the goose was sitting in. So they had started incubating. This means the eggs laugh by the second goose are due to hatch on different days over a two week period. I’ll have to watch the nest carefully to see that one of the geese stay on the eggs until they all hatch or pop the eggs under a broody hen.
The geese are very cooperative in hatching and raising goslings. The ganders spend their time protecting the geese on their nests.
Having said that. We still lock our geese up in a night yard with a coop that is protected by a livestock guardian dog. They are no match for the monitor lizards and foxes while sitting on a nest. The dog keeps these predators out.
The gander I pet at the end of the video has a cross beak. I need to leave him deep dishes of food everyday to make sure he has plenty to eat. He struggles to pick up food from the ground and I’m unsure how well he eats grass. So he’s fed every day all year round. His name is Niles. The gander in the kennel is Edwin. Blair is the coloured goose at the front and Constance is at the back of the nest.

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