KIDS found underground on chicago [tartarian]

1 year ago

"Apparently some kids found some crazy underground infrastructure in Chicago. It appears the lower they go the more Tartarian it looks. How long has it really been since true Tartaria? How far down does Tartarian infrastructure go? How many post-Tartarian civilizations have already utilized their infrastructure? These are some obvious questions to ask."

[NOTE] WORLD war three without nukes NOT BIBLICAL, original bible texts is old timeline prophecys what made look alike sound alike happen on new timeline from 2014 after years 2012 2013 forward via false flags Artficial Intelligence AI intels spirit world spiritualism whats FAKE HIGH also all bible translations was been made for mislead earth surface population aka slavery colony how people still try do manifest from based into written texts when people read write think when still blind follow programmed believes also written history texts was been made for mislead all whats all low frequency how still happens echo effects from past on process fade out, soon galactics higher dimensions full disclosure gonna force world peace when on paid programmed automatic negativities world peace is not automatic also maintream media propaganda lies gonna be all removed plus earth surface move forward hudreds years on hours how why healing experience start with good news then all for full life evacuation all absolute total free why people can keep own vote own money own life but this not publicly known before FULL DISCLOSURE, PREPARE FOR HOURS STOP

[WARNING] new risk is are dirty bombs on city sky for radioactive material drop into on all targeted city part world war three plan, people near zombie robotic type behaviors, now after all looks sounds 'emergency test' was used mislead population take attantention when they real coal was been for trigger muslim religion world all negative group members for war against others

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