We may witness the former VP of Communist China, Wang Qishan, being prosecuted and arrested!

8 months ago

10/9/2023 【Aila on Wayne Dupree Podcast】Aila Wang: In light of the core associates of Wang Qishan being prosecuted and arrested one by one in recent years, Mr. Miles Guo has stated that the next one in line would be Wang Qishan himself. We may witness the former Vice President of Communist China, Wang Qishan, being prosecuted and arrested!
#WangQishan #TianHuiyu #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/9/2023 【小飞象做客Wayne Dupree Podcast节目】小飞象:在过去几年里,王岐山身边重要的马仔一一被起诉、抓捕,对此郭文贵先生说过,下一个就轮到王岐山了!我们可能会亲眼目睹中共前国家副主席王岐山被起诉和抓捕!
#王岐山 #田惠宇 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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