Let the Science Speak - Symposium 4 October 2023 (Edited)

1 year ago

This Video Is Edited, To watch the full Broardcast Go To - Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJ6x5MqxVGg Description: Streamed live on Oct 4, 2023
Will the sovereignty of health administration be handed over to WHO? Do all recent vaccines meet security standards? Are some lot numbers more harmful than others? - Will power in health matters be transferred to the World Health Organization without discussion? - Do corona virus injections meet safety requirements - are some rounds more harmful than others? Speakers: - Pierre Kory - Sasha Latypova - Katherine Watt - Vibeke Manniche - Max Schmeling - Philipp Kruse Introduction and chair Guðmundur Karl Snæbjörnsson doctor and chair of discussion at the end (questions from the floor) Arnar Þór Jónsson attorney. If you want to make a donation for this streaming, feel free to follow this link https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted

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