11 months ago


I've seen this face in the mid summer of 1991 in Halls Tn. Hale Point bottom. Me and my cousins were taking trash to a dumping site by my auntie house one night. We were walking and talking as we left my grandmother house. As kids do me and my cousin began to throw rocks at the trees from the driveway.

As fun as that might seem our older cousins told us to stop and we did. As we got to the dumping site my cousins through the trash into the dumping site.

We continue to talk until something started to throw things into the dumping site. Our older cousin thought it was us. We walked out the yard into the street and saw a section of the trees move back and forth. Very very strange for that night because it was hot, know wind blowing, know insects/beetles just dead silent with a beautiful full moon.

So we stared at that section of the trees and then this thing jumps out the trees into the street. He smelled like he been rolling in the trash. His face was exactly like this thing. His eyes was at least 7 inches apart. From one shoulder to the other was about a yard across. I could see the insects/flies flying around him as the moon shined on his oily like face.

We ran. We got back to my grandmother house and I held the door and looked back he took one step back into the trees. This is his exact face and shoulders minus the six pack.

Could've been the six pack I didn't see that part because it was covered in dark hair. If you look on your map Hales Point Bottom is right by the Mississippi River and the mouth of the Obion River.

You can believe me if you want I don't care. I just wanted to let you guys know. I don't go in the woods for nothing and I'm 39 years old. Also me and my cousins don't even talk about what we saw that night.

I drew a picture for my wife back on August 3rd
(2021. | wish you could see it.

It's a split image

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