We steal the mainstream news | Todays news is all about humans vs humans | WAR WAR WAR

1 year ago

We cover the mainstream news headlines today. It's all about Israel and Hamas,
war, war, war, what is food for? Absolutely nothing.

Humans vs humans, people vs people, air vs air, ammunition vs ammunition.
It's a crazy world but the mainstream media loves to tell you all the horrific $hit.

If it's good enough for the news to do this, then it's good enough for Hang Loose
Recluse to steal the mainstream news and use their reporting to report on it
Hang Loose Recluse style.

Steal the news and watch this instead, don't ever click on mainstream news sites
ever again. Just hit subscribe to Hang Loose Reckuse and we'll show you all the
news we stole from the mainstream media.

Thank you

#news #gaza #israel #hamas #palestine #war #warmongers #evil # $hit #crap
#stolen #humans #makeitmakesense

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