SurrealPolitiks S01E029 - @WAR

1 year ago

Nothing brings America together like its devotion to Israel, or at least, this is the impression one gets when watching television.
American media finds much to disagree about, generally. How many genders are there? Liberals tell us it is an infinite variety. Conservatives, being quite moderate, are generally skeptical of greater than six, and of course insist one fill out the proper forms before entering spaces reserved for the opposite sex. Should America have borders? Liberals say no. Conservatives, say "kinda". Is America a racist country? Liberals say yes. Conservatives say "it's complicated". Plenty of vigorous debate on these subjects. The country is totally divided.

But when Israel is under threat, we are all Americans. What defines us as Americans more than any other factor - more than ethnicity, or language, or culture, or territory, or even our much worshipped diversity - is our undying devotion to a foreign ethnostate, spun out of whole cloth, less than a century ago. These borders, unlike our own, are holy and inviolable.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans died bravely fighting the most evil force in history, the Nazis, to rescue God's chosen people and deliver them to the promised land. For this, we are blessed by God and endowed with the right and the obligation to rule the Earth by force until Jesus returns and every tongue is made to confess.

This compulsory State religion skirts the First Amendment's establishment clause by parading as objective fact. It is not doctrine, it is history, you see. To disagree is to confess one's guilt, to renounce one's citizenship, and one's humanity.

And yet some still do. Anti-Semites, mostly. Though not all of them confess their thought crime. Not immediately, anyway. Some might actually even believe they are innocent of the sin of anti-Semitism. They say they are merely criticizing a foreign Right wing government, but eventually they are made to know that criticizing Israel is, by definition, anti-Semitic, and once they know this, they accept that they are anti-Semites.

This, as you might expect, has the effect of breeding much anti-Semitism.

Here at SurrealPolitiks, we are, officially, anyway, agnostic on that subject. Value free, as it were, in the vein of the best economists. Calling balls and strikes. It seems to us reasonable that Jews would prefer there to be less anti-Semitism, and that non-Jews would have substantially more diverse opinions on that subject.

Though it is not at all certain this is the case, and this we think one can objectively call peculiar.

As Israel announced yesterday it was at war, one informed as to the nature of media and online propaganda might be less than surprised to see that all systems were go. The television was instantly converted from a device of questionable utility into one more soldier of the IDF, entirely unambiguous in its reason for existing. Every Twitter/X trend pertained to the conflict. Short, grainy videos with zero explanatory power went viral along with wild descriptions providing alleged context unsupported by the image and sound.

And, notably, a trend not too often seen. The name "Nick Fuentes".

For those unfamiliar, Nick Fuentes is a Mexican child who purports to be the "main leader of the dissident Right for the last five years or so".

That is no arbitrary number. Mr. Fuentes tracks his supposed leadership back to shortly after the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville Virginia, when the honor was bestowed upon him by what was then thought to be the most popular neo-Nazi website on Earth. Now widely understood to be a subversive element, the Daily Stormer was largely the creation of two men. Andrew Anglin, previously a detached conspiracy blogger without much notoriety, and Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer, aka weev, a Jewish computer hacker who fled the United States for Ukraine after being released from prison on computer hacking charges.

The site's popularity was largely a fabrication of weev's making. He was manipulating Alexa ranks (a now defunct, but then widely used, metric for estimating website popularity) to make the site seem more relevant. The site used this perceived popularity to drive American journalists insane, and to aid them in their mission to smear Donald Trump as the second coming of Adolf Hitler.

I'll have much more to say about this when SurrealPolitiks airs live as we do every Monday at 9:30pm US Eastern on Rumble

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