Hoodies Issue 7 - The mastermind of Ben Logan

8 months ago

Good morning and welcome to Issue 7 of ‘Hoodies’

The new issue of the magazine was posted late yesterday but is again attached here for all to share far and wide.

The key message I want is to deliver is that this magazine and everything we do is authentic. Authenticity is something we are severely lacking in modern society and throughout our media feeds. I want this magazine and larger media company to try and rectify that.

How often do we roll our eyes at the nightly news? How often do we flick through X, Instagram, Facebook et al and see toxic division? How often we turn off to what politicians and bureaucrats have to say about key issues? How often do we look for truth and accountability?

This magazine this Media Company is about authenticity, it’s about accountability, it’s about delivering news and information without the toxicity, without the etremism and without sensationalism. We are informing, offering opinions, engaging and entertaining without the divisive rhetoric of doom.

A huge thank you to all our contributors, to our advertisers and to you for reading Issue 7 of ‘Hoodies’.

As ever please share our magazine far and wide so we can see this thing grow and keep asking the question; Why Hoodies? Because it matters.

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