Plants vs Zombies 2 - IMPROVE-MINT - MINT plant Showcase - Reinforce-Mint - October 2023

11 months ago

Enlighten-Mint was offered between October 9, 2023 through November 6, 2023.

This video showcases the MINT plant - REINFORCE-MINT
Reinforce-Mint will knock all zombies back 1.4 tiles when planted.
Reinforce-Mint will activate the plant food ability of each Reinforce-Mint plant.

Reinforce-mint consists of:
• Aloe
• Blockoli
• Chard Guard
• Endurian
• Gumnut
• Holly Barrier
• Infi-nut
• Pea-nut
• Primal Wall-nut
• Pumpkin
• Sweet Potato
• Tall-nut
• Wall-nut
• Bean Sprout

Knocking back zombies 1.4 to 1.5 tiles is hardly worth mentioning - especially for a Mint.

Now activating all Reinforce-Mint plant food abilities - that can be awesome.

The problem is that there are so few desirable effects. Sure, the nuts get tougher. But in of itself, that will not eliminate any zombies. Only Pea-Nut has any real offensive capabilities.

As a result, as nifty as the effect is, this Mint is downright disappointing. ☹️

Reinforce-Mint #1 = 0:00
Reinforce-Mint #2 = 1:01

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