Excess Deaths rising 5 months after Winter Booster Campaign proves theory COVID Vaccines

1 year ago

Excess Deaths rising 5 months after Winter Booster Campaign proves theory COVID Vaccines take 5 months to kill recipients

Recently we revealed how office data published by the UK Government showed that the vaccinated population in England had a higher mortality rate per 100,000 than the unvaccinated population.

Our analysis found that it takes approximately 5 months from receiving the Covid-19 vaccine for that elevated mortality rate to be realised.

Well, now the latest UK Government data on deaths in England and Wales adds further weight to the above findings because the UK has been experiencing excess deaths again since the end of April 2022. Approximately 5 months after the mass winter “Booster” vaccination campaign.

Continued https://expose-news.com/2022/06/11/excess-deaths-proves-covid-vaccines-take-5-months/

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