The Veterans Homeless Issue Should Be Our First Priority !!!

1 year ago

West LA Homeless Veterans
By Ryan Thompson , Patriotic Citizen Activist

Subject: The Official Master Plan Doc Nobody Showed You
See attached VA GLAHS Real Master Scam suppressed from Public since at least 2018.  This was developed by Corrupt Public Officials, Illegal land misusers and Booz Allen's Concourse Federal front, where the whistleblower providing the document was Vice President.  I added colorful highlighting and text drawing attention to critical information.
Notice total demolition of largest, busiest and most demanded VA Hospital (despite McDonogh's fake demand assessment in mission act report) for Public Parking lot and possible "bed tower" research / psych facility of 84 "beds" maybe one day...  "B500".
Notice the always subversively conspired plot to keep all illegal land misuse; including Brentwood School, UCLA and the Parking Lots - where the prior lot operator and a VA GLAHS officer just like Alan Trinh ran a Criminal Conspiracy that sent them to Federal Prison.
Notice "450,000" square foot Megamall (aka "Town Center") I'm slandered and arrested for truthfully notifying the Public about for at least a year (like the hospital demo) by Public Corruption and a Crminal Land Misuse Racket as a liar and conspiracy theorist by liars and conspirators.
Notice all the lying about "Vacant" buildings that were then and / or still partially occupied by VA, housed homeless Veterans and fake UCLA clinics - in order to fake requirements qualifying for illegal EUL steals.
For example, Building 207 was a homeless Veteran housing program called The Haven, where Salvation Army housed around 100 Veterans off the streets until they obtained longer term housing and services from VA operated programs at the Soldiers Home, or Permanent Housing outside their Soldiers Home.  Around 2011, Congress appropriated VA GLAHS the entire budget to direct-contract a total renovation of Building 207 for upgraded homeless Veteran housing to be in operation by 2017; just like all the 1,200 units Congress approved VA to directly contract build and complete by 2017, without any illegal third-party lease scheme to launder the buildings and land away, while hundreds of millions of Public Dollars for VA GLAHS to renovate them for homeless Veterans disappeared, literally.
VA's Buiding 207 construction plans were approved by 2015, the same year VA finished renovating Building 209 and began operating it as apartment housing for homeless Veteran tenants living there for up to two years with job traning and programs...  Until Shangri-La, StepUp and Vivian Ming Lum stole the newly renovated Buliding 209 in 2017 via EUL fraud - then evicted the 60-something tenants back into Veteran Homelessness and replaced them with formerly homeless Veterans holding vouchers only redeemable to the theives' pockets - for the market-rate rents they privately cash for a free building they ran into the ground, while StepUp snagged around $35,000,000.00 USD in Public Funds for "Case Management Services" in one-page awards, before those services were never or barely ever provided.
Just like their fellow disabled Veterans in 209, the 207 residents were evicted back into homelessness.  The Criminal Land Misuse Racket then said Buiding 207 was a vacant, unused and excess Buiding to qualify for the illegal EUL that then let it sit vacant from 2018 to 2023; when it reopened as private apartment rentals without stoves; costing Taxpayers upwards of $936,000,000.00 to renovate each studio unit the private developers cash Publicly Funded rent vouchers for today.
Notice all the property given away to the 1887 Fund that was busted VA OIG in 2018 and supposedly evicted from the National Soldiers Home; for extorting millions in cash donations from sentimental donors misperceiving 1887 Fund was restoring historical buildings it did nothing to beyond putting a fence around a chapel while they all rotted away for years - since not long after 1887 Fund's Founder was ejected from the Valentini v. Shinseki Civil Rights Case, for fabricating direct heritage to the Soldiers Home's Original Donors in a continuation of two families' decades-old schemes; to obtain an unlawful Order kicking down a Public Trust claim that Federal Law does not provide for, into a State Court that does, so an unethical State Judge would award National Soldiers Home land to the fake heirs.  Sometime in the 1960's, the Farqhuhar family advance-sold their potential interests in any Federal land award to them on the Public Trust scheme, to O'Melvany And Meyers Law Firm; that in turn unsuccessfully litigated the fraud, presumably at no up-front cost to their fraudulent Plaintiffs.
Notice in part again - that the VCOEB is a giant, scripted fraud overrun with those representing all the theives hands; but not as giant a fraud as the illegal EUL and Leasing frauds they Champion against the true homeless Veteran stakeholders; whom VCOEB orders armed police into a hospital to barr the homeless Veteran Stakeholders entry to the Public Meetings Chartered to improve outcomes for them, held in Open Sesssion at their Soldiers Home, in Our Nation's Capital of Veteran Homelessness and Suicide; while their advocates are unlawfully arrested and slandered to suppress the 450,000 square foot, totally illegal megamall scheme, that hundreds of millions in Public Funds are being pulled from Agent Orange and Burn Pit Victims care under a PACT ACT, via Jon Tester's Section 705 Amendment, to entirely pay for that billion dollar megamall and Downtown Brentwood.
Notice now and for the future - that such a wild and deadly Federal Criminal Conspiracy has so many resourceful but corrupt accomplices; yet none can demonstrate any substantial evidence disproving the abundantly proven and still proveable truth above, if not even legibly with a straight face.
Meanwhile the Veterans go homeless and die at unwitting Taxpayers expense while criminal Racketeers behind it, buy PR marketing them as heroes to their victims...  And Now Today - the National Soldiers Home in Our Nation's Capital of Veteran Homelessness, has around half the population it had on January 28,2025: the day when a non-existent so-called Settlement of a case homeless Veterans won two years prior was announced to the Public; to kill homeless Veterans win and the  them, save illegal land misusers and flood the gates with the Racket's bankers, developers, speculators and UCLA.
And today, about a third of the population hides in flammable boxes without sinks and toilets that Brentwood School, Gavin Newsom, Inner City Law and US Vets shoved them into...  Instead of the buildings all the population lived in on 01/28/2015.
Investigate, Prosecute, Convict, Federally House.
Ryan Thompson

In Defense Of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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2.) 10 Days of Darkness starts October 4th,,1582%2C%20thus%20correcting%20the%20error.&text=In%20Great%20Britain%2C%20the%20new%20calendar%20was%20adopted%20in%20September%201752

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