If only I could be more like the moon (poem)

9 months ago

If only I could be
More like the moon

The world has always wanted me
To be like the sun
To have my intense and vivid orange light
Always so bright
Blinding to the eye
Bold and direct
That burn
Not easy to forget

I want to be like the moon
That white illuminating sight
Soft and subtle to the eye
Still, silent, and shy
As it quietly arises
Into the dark night sky

Not commanded
To be rough and tough on the skin
The moon is not demanded
To be anything but its pearlescent, gentle dim

We gaze at the moon
With its highlighting bloom
We do not expect it to be
Anything but
The subtle sound of the great white pearl
That sits, and swirls
As it silently dances its way
Around the world
And is never the same
In two single nights
We accept it's not one
To be tame

We do not hide
From its gentle, subtle sight
We respect it
Rather than expect it
To be anything but
Its soft, shy and subtle nature

So graceful, it seems
We're grateful it's the last thing we see
As we swiftly drift
Into our dreams

If only I could be
More like the moon.


All writing and film is my own.
Please request if you’d like to use my words. 😊


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Always stay true to you,

— Eden. X

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