This is Why People Should Talk to Each Other

8 months ago

This protest in february 2023 gave me a lot of footage and I'm only getting to this very interesting conversation now. It's with a lady from the old left who disapproves of the nouveaux left Antifa.

Both sides of this leftist split would say the other is not on their side of the circus, when they both are. The Turfs are largely communists and Antifa certainly are. They are merely the old clashing with the new iteration of the same ideology.

Trantifa are incapable of having a real discussion with me, while the traditional leftist at least understands that discussion is worthwhile even though the steward (ideological enforcer) doesn't want us speaking to each other as much as the fascist children screaming all around us.

The misandry down at the Turfs gatherings is real but discernible signs of it do come from the minority of women. Every time I go there a lady fixes me with the kind of motiveless scornful glare you'd expect to see from a mortal enemy that has been plaguing you since birth. Not a total stranger. I go to this gathering at times to help report on both group's side of things, I'm interested in everybody after all. It certainly isn't the only place I'm met with suspicion and hostility by strangers. However it can be a difficult place to get an interview. The majority of the women are kind and I love this interview because she tries to end it before we have found common ground, and as soon as I'm able to speak for a few sentences we find enough common ground to get along and discuss what is happenning around us.

If only the more judgmental youth had the wisdom to listen and talk, to engage in conversation they might realise the entire world is not against them. They might realise that there is help in truth not just bigotry and attacks against their existence.

The attacks the TRA's face are from their own governments who brainwash them into cosmetic surgery, pharmacological poisoning and then in the ultimate act of transphobia, isolate and ostracise anyone who reports back about the consequences of these actions in a critical manner. Experience is now bigotry in many youngins minds.

Trantifa are the transphobes. Hopefully more conversations between people willing to engage in them, can help some of these young people to discover the truth about the social conditioning they have been subjected to. As well as the harms caused by their doctors and groomers at criminal clinics like the Tavistock clinic.

Adults need to be brave enough to lead their children instead of bowing to their corporate created ideas about gender, economics and societal/civilisational change. You are not being nice by keeping your mouth shut, you are being a coward.

Don't just 'Let Women Speak'. Lets all speak while we still can.

Download my evolving health guide below and consider a donation to my crowdfunder. I'm trying to raise funds for Lymes disease, SIBO and adrenal fatigue treatments in Germany. I'm in danger of losing my speech. I'll be telling my story on a new channel soon. Thank you!!!



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