The Two Reigns of Revelation

1 year ago

This excerpt from an upcoming teaching focuses on one of the most common misunderstandings from the book of Revelation. There are two separate and distinct reigns yet to come in the future - the 1000 year reign, and the forever reign. Understanding the difference between them could literally be a matter of eternal life.

We all know that God is not the author of confusion, but rather that satan is. satan has caused many to overlook the 1000 year reign that occurs while he is bound, and this confusion is key to him being able to pull off this grand deception of coming to earth to pretend to "sit as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2:4).

Those who understand this very important distinction will not be fooled by a false Christ.

The full teaching from which this was excerpted will be available in mid-October, 2023.

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