Standing With Israel

1 year ago


Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ,
I urge you not to treat today as another normal day. God’s people are under attack! Without a doubt, all land given by God to Israel belongs to Israel. There should be no compromise. Yet Hamas wants to establish their Palestinian state, driving God’s people out of the Promise Land. All of Israel is God’s, and for God’s people alone! As a member of God’s family, I fully support His people defending their homeland and their God-given rights.
This conflict moves me greatly. No one wants to see innocent lives put in harms way. This is why prayer is of such importance. Prayer for Israel and all her plans. Prayer that God would guide each Israeli missile fired and block each Hamas missile.
We cannot pretend that this war is non-existent. The unfortunate truth is our tax dollars are going towards funding part of Hamas. According to Iran, they met with the leaders of Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad who is a Gaza-based militant group at the beginning of September. Biden just released $6 billion in assets to Iran essentially funding this attack against God’s people.
A great moment is coming that will shock this world. Do not think that God is blinded to these events. Genesis 12:1-3 says, “The LORD said to Abram: Go out from your land, your relatives, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, I will curse those who treat you with contempt, and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you,” (HCSB, emphasis added). The best way we can be a blessing for our brothers and sisters of Israel is to pray. Most of us do not have the resources to aid in any other way. I urge you to pray each day specifically for Israel until this war comes to an end. Pray for God’s rescue and deliverance from this attack. Pray that His name is lifted High among the people of Israel and the leaders of Israel. Pray for God’s blessings upon Israel because Israel is a blessing upon all of the peoples of the earth.
As for Biden and his corrupt empire that funds these attacks. God has been prophesying through those prophets such as Julie Green and Robin Bullock and others of a time of great darkness approaching. A time of the fall of the Biden and the deep state. For Israel, it seems that the time of darkness has come. For America… that time is nearing quickly.
“Great changes about to take place, saith the Lord of Hosts. My children need not fear but remember the power that is rightfully theirs. My Spirit is in them. My children awake today. Stand firm and be not shaken. You have nothing to fear in what is about to happen. Stand each day with Me and be in My Word. I will make a distinction between you and those who have chosen to stand against Me. I have given many a time to repent, but now my heart is attacked. I AM is coming and I Am is here. Do not be afraid by what you see for I AM is with thee.” As I was writing this article, God began prophesying, even through me. Pay attention brothers and sisters. God is NOT asleep. God is NOT dead. God IS alive! God IS here! Pray with me for Israel! Pray with me for America!
In the service of King Jesus the Nazarene,
Pastor Casey Raymond Chapman

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