War, Bitcoin, Nostr, News

Streamed on:

Focusing on good things including wisdom, prosperity and creativity, while having fun and discussing important news. And meditating daily. And gratitude :)

SCHEDULE for Livestreams:
1. Weekdays 8:00 AM Mountain — Lightness Meditation (30 min), Writing & Reading (30 min.)
2. Weekdays 11:00 AM Mountain — Discussing News, Bitcoin, Art, Music, Wisdom, Psychology, etc. (2 hrs.)
3. Thursdays 7:00 PM Mountain — Lightness Meditation (30 min.)
4. Sundays 9:00 AM Mountain — Lightness Meditation (55 min.)

Chris Curran:
— Audio engineer, podcast producer, founder and lead instructor at Podcast Engineering School, https://podcastengineeringschool.com/
— Fractal artist, meditation streamer, songwriter, musician, http://fractalchris.com/

— Nostr: https://nostr.com/npub1t3gxvxcf9nrcdd2ukhtfzjd39x7uers96u3ce3jnm605vhkkn7gsfp9elk
— Zap.stream: https://zap.stream/p/npub1t3gxvxcf9nrcdd2ukhtfzjd39x7uers96u3ce3jnm605vhkkn7gsfp9elk
— Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/fractalchris
— Odysee: https://odysee.com/@fractalchris:d
— YouTube: https://youtube.com/@fractalchris
— Twitter: https://twitter.com/fractalchris

SUPPORT fractalchris:
Bitcoin Lightning address: viralcow49@walletofsatoshi.com

These are the opinions and ramblings of a free thinker. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.

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