Who is in control of you? Lighthouse International Chairman Paul Waugh answers the question.

2 years ago

Lighthouse International chairman Paul Waugh answers the question: who is in control of you?
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Cover image: https://pixabay.com/users/mohamed_hassan-5229782/

Are you able to wake up in the morning and decide to be happy and be happy all day, irrelevant of what happens? (No) Who's controlling you then? If it’s not you? If you wake up in the morning and you say today, Milan, I’m gonna wake up and i’m going to go out there and I’m going to be happy all day, I’m gonna be happy, peaceful and joyful, as a human being, I’m not going to be stressed, unhappy and miserable. Like I was yesterday.
And the first thing someone out there does you can feel the resistance. You start to get that feeling of being a little bit peeved and then a lot peeved and then angry and then irritable and then everyones in your way and then you’re late and then you’re stressed. Out the window that goes. Who's controlling you? You.

But now in the moment, from your past. From your past programs, your past experiences, your conditioning. So who's running who? Are you running your mind? Or is your mind running you? Are you able to instruct your mind in the morning - I want to be happy, peaceful and measured, all day, and choose that no matter what happens? If you can’t, who’s running your mind? Not you. It's your past conditioning, it's your past scripting. It's your past programs, your past habits, your past reactions, you’re just this software, where buttons can be pushed all over the place but it's not you. You decided to be peaceful, happy, joyful, calm, measured, dynamic, professional and that day you were maybe some of those things but if you look back it's only because those were also parts of your brain that are hardwired by your past. Does that make sense?

So who's running your brain? Who's running your mind? You? Or your past? And in most cases I can absolutely assure you it's your past, so you're being controlled anyway. What we would like to do is very much strongly, is have you take control, you control of your past conditioning, you control of what makes you unhappy now, and so that you can choose to be happy instead. Does that sound foreign? Yes, it probably does because your whole life you've been controlled by something else in the name of it being you. It's not you. You decided differently, but you never got that, and you never got that because you couldn't choose. Because it wasn’t you. It was your mind and your programming, conditions, your addictions, your aversions, your perversions, you're run by your past and your past does not equal your future. Okay? Or your present. Just memory traces re-running the same reactions. You can’t really respond.

Besides that, there are people out there that are creating things right now called brands and they know you, they know your addictions, they know your aversions, they know your perversions, they know how much you earn, they know where you work, they know who you want to be, they know who you think you are, they know who you know you are, they know who you don’t know you are. And they create brands just for people like you. You are called a demographic, you are called a psychographic, in some geographic and to think you’re not controlled, come to us we’ll show you how controlled you are. But it won't be by us, it will be by yourself and your world, your software that you've created over many years, how about becoming a programmer and stepping out of that and writing a new program called every moment of every day I choose program. And then you realise actually it’s not a program you need at all, just you and your ability to be consciously aware enough to choose in the moment. Rather than be run by your mind, thinking that you are your programs, you are not. Anyway, it’s quite a big subject, quite a lot to say, and I've got a lot to say on it and this is just a fraction of it. But by getting more involved and learning about this society (Affluence Society), getting involved in what we do, learning more, you’ll understand more about this. But that's where your true control lies, with yourself, not with us, with yourself. We can only help and guide you to where that place is, and then we really have someone who we can help progress because you have choice.

Thank you. Good question.

#Lighthouse international group #Paul waugh lighthouse #leadership #mentoring #coaching

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