Dr. Peter McCullough:美國應該退出地形 / Dr. Peter McCullough: The U.S. should withdraw from the WHO

1 year ago

麥卡洛博士:美國應該退出世界衛生組織,我們沒有從世界衛生組織獲得任何好處。 它沒有為我們提供任何我們需要的技術。 它的健康建議是多餘的。 目前,世界衛生組織的資金主要來自中共國和蓋茲基金會。 蓋茲和中共的意圖是值得懷疑的。 這對大多數美國人來說非常令人擔憂。

Dr. Peter McCullough: The United States should withdraw from the World Health Organization. We are not getting any benefits from the World Health Organization. It doesn't provide us with any of the technology we need. Its health advice is redundant. Currently, the WHO is funded primarily by China and the Gates Foundation. The intentions of Gates and the Chinese Communist Party are questionable. This is very concerning for most Americans.

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