Mountain Men vs. Mexican Settlers : The Carson-Fremont Killings Of 1846

9 months ago

On the shores of The San Francisco Bay, in the summer of 1846, one of the most famous men in America guns down three Mexican citizens in cold blood. The killings are ordered by Captain John C. Fremont in response to the murder of a pair of their countrymen by a group of guerilla soldiers terrorizing the area.

These tragic killings, occurring within days of each other, will be the first blood spilled in the war for California that will take place between The Bear Flag Republic and the Mexican government. The war will go on to change the course of history for both countries, and expand the legend of both Carson and Fremont.

But what led Carson- the darling of the American press- to such unflinching obedience, and such an act of unbridled brutality? And what drove Fremont, the staunchly ambitious and unapologetically jingoistic commander, to issue such an order resulting the deaths of three innocent men who had nothing to do with the slaying of Fremont’s countrymen?

Join HOKC for an in-depth look at this disturbing and little known story from the annals of American history. Only on History At The OK Corral : Home Of History’s Greatest Shootouts & Showdowns”.

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“Blood and Thunder” by Hampton Side.

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