SQL Admin Lies about Backups| How Did That Person Get Fired - Part 3 #redditstories

9 months ago

This is a multi-part series on from Reddit r/sysadmin on how "that Person" in the office got fired.

SQL admin marked the backups as good and working for years. Even fudged the DR test. All was well and good until we had a real world DR event. With a RPO (EDIT: should have been RTO) of 24 hours (give or take) it took 5 days to get things working again and that was only when we rolled back to primary systems. It was out fault (in a way) as no one audited them and the person responsible for managing the systems was also the one who documented and tested them. Lets just say changes were made in both personnel and policy.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/16fgeag/so_how_did_that_one_person_in_your_department_get/

#tdsheridanlab #redditstories #sysadmin #workplacedrama #askreddit #workplace #sql #backups

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