David🥑Wolfe's Fullerenol (Water-Solubility C60)

1 year ago

Many of you know I have been researching Carbon 60 Charcoals (C60) for nearly a decade. I have literally written a book on the subject that I have yet to publish! I feel strongly about the healing powers of this incredible molecule and of Charcoal in general. I am beyond thrilled to be bringing a brand new, cutting-edge C60 product to my Shop – FULLERENOL!

The powerful C60 antioxidant (quite possibly the strongest ever discovered) is entirely unified with water, allowing us to use Fullerenol internally and topically. Due to its water solubility, this Fullerenol product is a highly Bio-Available form of the miracle C60 molecule.

This product is difficult to manufacture and produce. Due to these challenges, a consistent supply is uncertain. Therefore, from now and into the foreseeable future, this product is available on a first come, first serve basis.

I have personally taken our Fullerenol product, on and off, for a couple years before having enough to produce for You. We have now perfected every part of the production of this extraordinary antioxidant which is delivered to You in 100ml Miron glass bottles. Dosages range from 1-6 droppers full a day.
You may order yours now! (while supplies last!)


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Defund The Matrix Podcast: www.DefundTheMatrix.tv

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