Confused Dog Won't Put Down Chew Toy To Pick Up Tennis Ball

7 years ago

They say that when you find yourself in a pickle, crazy things can come to mind to get away from such a situation. It is something like a “Eureka” moment, when you face a problem that seems unsolvable and the light in your brain switches on when you think of something that will help you with said problem.

Every living being on this planet has a way of finding the shortest route to a solution and dogs are no exception. Like Labradors, for example; they are recognized as one of the smartest dog breeds on Earth and for a very good reason. The learn things like lightning and are capable of solving intricate problems. Like Roxy here.

Roxy is one silly girl! See, she wants to have both the chew toy AND the tennis ball, but she lacks opposable thumbs and more space in her mouth. So what does she do? She holds the ring in her mouth and uses it to push the ball where she wants it! Sounds brilliant, but in all her eagerness, she pushes the ball back a few times. You can tell she’s getting furious!

When she finally brings the ball to her owner, her frustration takes the better of her and her front paw gets stuck in the chew toy. If that’s not silly, we don’t know what is!

Dogs really love those tennis balls, even though they are bad for them. But make sure to check out what this Corgi puppy does the first time it sees the fluffy yellow sphere. Hysterical!

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