How Can Prone Positioning Help My Critically Ill Loved One With COVID/ARDS In ICU?

11 months ago

How Can Prone Positioning Help My Critically Ill Loved One With COVID/ARDS In ICU?

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Here is also a link to case studies

SARS-CoV-2 virus causes pneumonia that was identified through fever, dyspnea, and acute respiratory symptoms and named COVID-19. This disease exacerbates in a number of patients and causes pulmonary edema, multi-organ failure, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

ARDS was first introduced in 1968 with clinical presentations such as acute hypoxemia, non-cardiac pulmonary edema, decrease in pulmonary compliance, and increase in work of breathing. Among the introduced treatment methods for management of ARDS patients, prone position can be used as an adjuvant therapy for improving ventilation in these patients. It should be prescribed along with low tidal volume (6 cc per kg body weight) and infusion of neuromuscular blockers (cisatracurium for 48 hours). These 3 treatment strategies together, lead to improvement in oxygenation and survival of ARDS patients

Prone position is the medical term for lying flat on your stomach. Lying flat on your back is referred to as the supine position.

Prone positioning (also known as ‘proning’, ‘prone manoeuvre’, or ‘prone ventilation’) refers to mechanical ventilation with patients positioned in prone position in contrast of standard supine (flat or semi-recumbent) position.

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