Daily Chess play - 1382 - Managed to win a lost Game 2 due to time

7 months ago

0:00 Game 1:
Move 16, Opponent hanged Bishop on a6. Move 19, Opponent blundered Knight on d2 then Queen on c2. Checkmated at the end.

6:10 Game 2:
Move 27, Hanged Bishop on e7. Opponent trades Knight for Knight on f6 and Rook on e8. Down by a lot but was able to win as Opponent ran out of time.

24:42 Game 3:
Move 23, Traded Bishop for Rook on e5. Move 27, Opponent traded Rook for Rook on b8 but also loses Knight on c2. Traded Queens and won the Rook plus pawns advantage end game.

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