The role of the CCP’s “white gloves” is to steal money from Chinese on behalf of the CCP kleptocrats

1 year ago

10/7/2023 【Infiltration Files】Anna: Many so-called successful entrepreneurs are indeed “white gloves”, whose role is to steal money from Chinese people on behalf of the CCP kleptocrats. However, the CCP has been brainwashing people, trying to convince them that the success of those “white gloves” comes from hard work. Saturn: There is no private business in Communist China, and the CCP owns everything. Therefore, it is imperative that the West decouple from the CCP, both financially and technologically.
#decouple #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/7/2023 【渗透档案】喜安娜:中共国的所谓成功人士实际上是帮着中共盗国贼敛财的白手套,而中共却洗脑中国人说这些人的成功缘自辛勤工作。风中风中:中共国没有什么私人企业,一切都归党所有,因此西方世界必须在金融上和技术上与中共脱钩。
#脱钩 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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