Telegram Live with the Dev Behind BabySmurf (BS9000) ERC20 Token - Feat. Kashregister.eth

8 months ago

00:26 - Stream starts on X with some technical issues
18:09 - Kashregister mentions their own social media platform being built
22:06 - Move from X to Telegram
27:30 - Genesis story where Elon Musk's @BabySmurf9000 account was found with 40 Followers
28:20 - @CB_Doge Soft Shill mention
29:06 - Goals for BS9000
46:07 - Project potential to include Community NFTs
47:33 - IP question raised with responses to include potential rebranding
52:43 - Discussion around longevity and community motivation
1:07:08 End

The launch of the #BabySmurf ERC20 token ($BS9000) 6 days ago brought with it a significant buzz as the token climbed in value on DexScreener by more than 41,000% in the first 6 hours of trading.

This video was shot at 1:00pm (PST) on X and Telegram where the technical issues on X were causing problems, so the call went to Telegram instead.

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