School Shootings – Why not in EUROPE? Hint: The schools are DIFFERENT #schoolshooting

11 months ago

When the gun control activists working in the fake news launch their attacks on your gun rights, Europe is often used as a basis for comparison. One example is the phenomenon of the Targeted School Attack, colloquially known as a “school shooting”. Ignoring the tragedy in Serbia in May of 2023, the fake news claims school shootings don’t happen in Europe and that we need more gun control in the US to reduce school shootings here.

The myth propagated by the fake news media and politicians hungry for more gun laws, is that gun laws are the big difference between America and Europe. However the experts have provided no evidence, and they ignore the two big factors of (1) our kids and (2) our schools.

How American and European high schools are different, and how the differences contribute to school shootings, shows that more gun laws are not the answer. It’s the culture of the American public school which divides students into the pampered group versus the marginalized and that creates the shooters and their targets, as well as the shooting venue. None of these factors exist in the European school. More gun control will not change the factors that matter. More gun laws will not help.

#SchoolShootings #gunrights #secondamendment #europecrime #guncontrol #NRA #conservatism #fakenews

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