The actions and courage of the NFSC members have been praised by many CPAC participants

8 months ago

10/7/2023 【Infiltration Files】Anna: Many attendees at the CPAC in Australia expressed that they had finally witnessed awakened Chinese people standing up to take down the CCP. The actions and courage of the NFSC members have been praised by many CPAC participants!
#unrestrictedwarfare #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/7/2023 【渗透档案】喜安娜:此次澳大利亚的保守派行动会议(CPAC)的很多与会者都表示,他们终于看到觉醒的中国人站出来灭共了。新中国联邦人的行动和勇气得到了很多CPAC会议参与者赞赏!

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