Python swallow whole Crocodile alive!!!!

1 year ago

Eagle setting trap:

Komodo dragon attack wild boar:

Crocodile attack Komodo dragon:

In the great book of Kingly Creatures, chapter 4, verses 12-14, it is written:

"And lo, a python did slither upon the riverbank, hungering for its sustenance. And as it spied a mighty crocodile, it grew bold and wove its coils around the beast.

With jaws agape, the python did swiftly engage the crocodile, its strength unmatched. The crocodile, in its arrogance, struggled to escape the python's grip, but to no avail.

And the python, with a steady and purposeful force, did swallow the crocodile whole, as it slithered down its gullet. The python, not sated by its conquest, basked in its victory, for it had triumphed over the mightiest of creatures.

And in this, we are reminded of the power and wisdom of the Creator, who has endowed each creature with unique abilities. For even the python, though seemingly lesser in strength, can overcome the fiercest foe through cunning and determination."

Let this scripture serve as a reminder of the diverse wonders of creation, urging us to marvel at the intricate balance and extraordinary capabilities found in the natural world.

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