Commentary on Matthew by H A Ironside, Chapter 13 The Mysteries of the Kingdom

1 year ago

On Down to Earth But Heavenly Minded Podcast.
An Ironside Expository Commentary on Matthew
By H A Ironside
An Ironside Expository Commentary

Originally published in 1920. Reprinted in 2005 by Kregel Publications, a division of Kregel, Inc., P.O. Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.

Unless otherwise noted,
Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Scripture quotations marked RV are from the
Revised Version of the Holy Bible (Church of England, 1885).

Cover design: John M. Lucas

Much of the material embodied in this volume has appeared in the course of the past nine years, in The Sunday School Times, and is used here in accordance with an understanding had with, and permission given by, the owners of that periodical when I assumed responsibility for the leading article on the weekly International Lesson.

With so much matter already in print and available for use, it was thought best not to wait until circumstances permitted me to give a series of lectures on Matthew to be stenographically reported and edited for publication, but rather to write a connected exposition, filling in with new material what was lacking in the notes from The Sunday School Times. This accounts for the different form in which this book appears to those on the other Gospels for which I have been responsible. I send the book out with the earnest prayer that it may prove helpful to many.

—H. A. Ironside

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