Women Deserve To Be Lonely? - MGTOW

7 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Raymond. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss a video by Shoe on Head called Men Deserve to be lonely. She was replying to a whole bunch of article saying that men are lonely because they have no girlfriends, no money, no friends and no college educations. The articles make it sound like men are suffering and the articles are clearly to make women think that men get lonely. It's all about laughing and shaming men. All the articles about men being lonely are being written by women and they are catering to female readers because you know misery loves company. Women are far lonelier than men because they require male attention it's starting to become a scarce resource. But even still the amount of actual attention that women want these days is going down because of technology and social media. But many of the more attractive women that have never had the attention of a Chad probably hold a great deal of resentment. It's those miserable pathetic women that I believe all the lonely men articles are targeting. It's clickbait to catch such miserable women. Just like the title of this video is clickbait for many guys listening to this hoping they hear women are suffering. Sure there are some incel guys out there that are miserable and lonely. In the end women are just trying to project their loneliness onto men but it won't work because men are not the same as women. One women says we're all lonely and alienated. That's what they don't understand. Men don't suffer as much because many of us were forced to become emotionally self sufficient when we were younger and isolated. Especially the incelerific. The desperate guys out there see women suffer and the women want to see men suffer. Both sides thing either side is in pain but that technology and social media is now providing a digital crutch so we get our dopamine from a tiny machine in our pocket that has in many ways replaced love. Nikola Tesla predicted the rise of smart phones almost one hundred years ago and recently I found the smoking gun surrounding why he he never married. With regards to love said that "! recognize the emotion for what it is, an irrational self-destructive impulse, which is disguised as joy." I think that women are generally lonelier than men and I get my female fans asking me from time to time if I get lonely. Which I don't. If a man wants to avoid loneliness he needs to have the goal to make myself an interesting enough person to amuse himself. I entertain myself with my own antics and realizations. But this is tough for women especially since they lack a good sense of humor or any way to produce something funny or entertaining. Of course I don't think that women deserve to be lonely. But if they are pushing men away then if being single makes them feel lonely then it's mission accomplished.

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