Many Australians are blinded by the glamorous facade deliberately created by the CCP

11 months ago

10/7/2023 【Infiltration Files】Anna: Many Australians are unaware of the CCP's harmful activities in Australia or the harsh living conditions of Chinese people, because they were blinded by the glamorous facade deliberately created by the CCP to mislead people. We must awaken those people so that they will stand with us to overthrow the CCP.
#infiltrationinAustralia #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
10/7/2023 【渗透档案】喜安娜:许多澳大利亚人不了解中共在澳大利亚的有害活动和中国人民的恶劣生活条件,他们被中共刻意营造来混淆视听的华丽外表所蒙蔽。我们必须唤醒民众,与我们一起推翻中共。
#中共在澳大利亚的渗透 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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