187. How to Go From Inconsistent in Your Homeschool to Actually Carrying Through With Your Plans

1 year ago

You love homeschool and want to consistently do what your planner...or that scrap piece of paper you scribbled out some notes on...says. But there always seems to be something or a general lack of motivation.

This can be a tough spot to sit in and it may fee a bit like a hamster wheel. And I definitely don't want you to be there.

Today, I have 6 power-packed tips to get you from inconsistent to consistent. These have worked in my life and I know that they will in your life too.

Take some notes, then be sure to allow time to think on these ideas and how they would look in your life. Then...take some serious action!

I'm excited for you to see a huge shift in your homeschool!

♥ Leigh

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