THE WAR IS ON! Communitarian Law With Guest Laurence Cumbie (aka Lark In Texas), Part Two

8 months ago

A continuation of my after hours conversation with Laurence Cumbie AKA Lark In Texas.

Communitarian law is everything which leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Every hurdle you run into when you try to make plans for your future. Every time you are silenced, or criticised for simply having an opinion which differs from the norm. Green taxes. COVID mandates. Anything & everything which tries to herd people "for the greater good." All these things emanate from the communitarian agenda.

For those who heard the live show on Friday 22/09/2023, I apologise for Laurence's audio: I've done what I can to clean it up, & I've added graphics & text for clarification.

This is part two of Laurence's 2nd guest appearance on WTFR. In order to overcome the creep of communitarianism, we must understand both ourselves & our enemy. We need to KNOW our individual sovereignty (unalienable rights, as opposed to inalienable rights), then apply what we know when dealing with those who attempt to render us helpless.

Unalienable (un-a-lien-able) rights are those God-given rights we were born with, which cannot be traded away.

Laurence's website -

Brundtland Report:

Agenda 21:

GRIN Technologies:

The Future Of Policing Using Pre-crime Technologies:

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