He Is Bigger Than That

11 months ago

Broaden Your Perspective. Think For Yourself And Not Through The Filter Of Organized Religion. Use Your Own Eyes, Not The Church's Lies. A Little Common Sense Goes A Long Way. There's So Much More To The Story And So Much More To His Teachings, and So Much More To Scripture Itself. Yet The Christian Church In All It's Denominations Has Been Turned Into A Death Cult War-shipping Idols & Graven Images. Too Ignorant To Realize It In Their Indoctrinated Fear. Do I Claim To Know It All or Be Righteous ?! No, Not Even Close. I Am A Sinner Of Sinners, And To Be Totally Transparent My Biggest Obstacle to "The Gates Of Heaven" and Being All i Should Be, Is Learning To Love My Fellow Humans. i Am Working On It Though. It's a Really Tough Obstacle For Me, i Admit. Never The Less i Trudge On Trying To Care For The People I Can or Come In Contact With. It's Easier on An Individual Basis In Individual Interactions. In Mass, It's Really Tough. And At The End Of The Day, i Believe The Only Thing That Really Matters Is "How Did You Love". So, No Personal Ego Doesn't Play a Hand in my Knowledge or Beliefs. Research & Experience Does. I'm Not Ever Looking for Accolades or Accreditation. I Know My Failings. Too Me, We Are All In The Same Boat. Unknowing And Working Towards Knowing. Those That Are Doing The Work Anyways. Trying To Improve Ourselves and Learn The Truth Of This Life. Most Aren't. Most Are Comfortable In Their Ignorance & Ego or Think They Have It All Figured Out. Those People Are Dangerous. Very Dangerous.
Let God Out Of The Box. He's Bigger Than That.
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