Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club Sydney to Auckland Race Start October 07.23

1 year ago

Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club (RPAYC) together with the Royal Akarana Yacht Club (RAYC) invite competitors to participate in the Sydney to Auckland Ocean Race 2023.

A dramatic and compelling new ocean (and we mean ‘ocean’) racecourse has been shoe-horned into the start of next year’s busy Spring / Summer sailing season.

The race will start in Sydney Harbour on 7 October 2023 and finish in Auckland Harbour. This challenging 1,250nm Category 1 race is open to offshore cruising and racing yachts, superyachts and ocean racing multihulls.

RPAYC’s Robert McClelland explains the race’s communications have been simplified
for the 1250 nautical mile race: “Satellite phones, AIS and trackers on each boat, no
time-consuming skeds. This follows the Club’s successful Pittwater to Coffs Harbour
Yacht Race, which is run on the same basis.”

The other joy for competitors is that the Sydney to Auckland into New Zealand Ocean
Race has been timed to allow prospective competitors to compete on the northern
circuit in Queensland beforehand and to be back in Australia in time for the Rolex
Sydney Hobart and Melbourne to Hobart yacht races.

Alternatively, entrants can stay on in New Zealand and take advantage of the famous
Coastal Classic held in late October. There is also the Bay of Islands Sailing Week in
late January 2024 to consider – not to mention the scenic cruising opportunities.

The Sydney to Auckland Ocean Race is open to fully crewed racing and cruising yachts,
two-handed yachts, superyachts and ocean going multihulls. It is the longest race
originating from Australia open to a variety of yacht classes.
Standard entries for the Category 1 Sydney to Auckland Ocean Race, to be held by
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club in Association with the Royal Akarana Yacht Club in
New Zealand, close on 1 September 2023.

Royal Akarana Yacht Club – The Home of Blue Water Sailing
The Royal Akarana Yacht Club is one of New Zealand’s oldest yacht clubs and occupies a unique place in this country’s recreational sailing history.

Throughout its 127 years, it has been at the forefront of New Zealand yachting and particularly in its early years, had a huge influence on the way the sport developed in this country. Visit the club at

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