( -0590 ) Hillary Says Questioners Need Deprogramming - Sure - Nothing Sinister Here (Ask Her If She Cares...) (9-11, Slow Coups, Orchestration, Ritualistic Obsessions)

6 months ago

(Care? She Doesn't. The Cremation of Care Ceremony at Bohemian Grove is a ritual that helps elites stop being concerned with individual peasant woes so they can better engineer that great design they're so enamored with.) Hillary Says Questioners Need Deprogramming - Sure - Nothing Sinister Here (The People who Accept the Official Stories Also Seem to Accept That Fluoride in U.S. Water Is Medically Approved) ( -0590 )

"The 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act gave regulatory oversight of public drinking water (tap water) to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). FDA has responsibility for ensuring that the quality standards for bottled water are compatible with EPA standards for tap water. According to the EPA, fluoride is voluntarily added to some drinking water systems as a public health measure to help reduce the incidence of cavities among the population. The decision to fluoridate a water supply is made by the State or local municipality, and is not mandated by EPA or any other Federal entity.

For more information, please see EPA: Basic Information about Fluoride in Drinking Water."

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