"MEN" (2022) Directed by Alex Garland #movies #horrorstories #men #alexgarland

1 year ago

"The magnificent forbidden fruit of Alex Garland".

Following the film’s sparse opening credits, Alex Garland’s latest film immediately reminded me of the saturated colour hues and strange beginning to the Lynne Ramsay directed Morvern Callar from 2002, a tinge of the Paul Thomas Anderson directed Magnolia in 1999 and whilst I’m always seeking tenuous links to this film in particular, by this film’s denouement I couldn’t help but also draw comparisons with yet another psychological horror, 2011’s astounding Kill List directed by Ben Wheatley.

Men is FUBAR. Glorious FUBAR. Chilling. Unsettling. Uneasy. Twisted. Creepy. Horrifying.

And yet another incredible achievement from Alex Garland.

Long time writer for, and collaborator with, Danny Boyle, this is the third directorial effort from Garland and as with his magnificent predecessors Ex Machina in 2014 and Annihilation in 2018, director Garland also penned the screenplay here too. I immediately fell in love with Ex Machina and its disturbing theme of sentient AI usurping human will and Annihilation shocked and creeped me out. Garland’s latest shocked and horrified me on a scale I haven’t felt since Kill List a decade ago, and I hope it finds a huge audience.

The above opening paragraphs are taken from my spoiler free review of "Men" I originally penned and published to my Medium blog site on 2nd July 2022 and which can be read in full and for free (though please also consider subscribing for free too!) via my Substack blog site and article linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review is also featured within my 7 volumes of "essential film reviews collection" (£4.99 per volume) with each and every volume free to read should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:



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