The Lord's Gospel - Part 15

1 year ago

In this part, we mainly focus on the purpose of Paul’s writing of the letter to the Galatians. To do this, we sift through the entire letter to glean from certain passages the arguments and approach of the circumcision party being used to persuade the ekklesiai in the Galatia region to adopt the Law of Moses, including circumcision, as the governing law of the gatherings. Once this is accomplished, we can better understand the purpose of the inclusion of certain narratives concerning his personal life and his competency in understanding both Judaism and the Lord’s Gospel. We can also understand why certain subjects regarding Abraham, circumcision, the Law, and Law of liberty in Christ are being addressed in detail. This type of approach should be employed each time before attempting to understand any epistle of the New Testament. Then, using the framework of the Lord’s Gospel explained in the series and the first series entitled, The Lost Ekklesia of God, one can achieve a much higher level of understanding the epistle than could otherwise be achieved. In the next part, we will focus squarely on Galatians 3 to thoroughly explain the meaning of Abrahams seed as explained to us by Paul.

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