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Sally Fallon - Eat More Butter

1 year ago

“If you’re on a modern diet, you’re forever hungry because your body is calling out for nutrition. It’s screaming for it.”

As we continue to be pushed further away from our traditional diets, Sally Fallon came on Real Talk to talk Real Food.

Sally is founder and president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, which promotes wise traditions in food and farming.

This is a fascinating discussion — it’s more important than ever that we nourish ourselves properly.

We know food choices can be a divisive subject for some, and, of course, people will eat whatever foods work for them.

However, it’s worth considering, as Rodney states, that the demonisation of animal fats is “weapons-grade propaganda.”

Listen to the full replay here ⤵️


Reality Check Radio (https://t.me/rcr_nz)


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