Mom Tells Sons Gender Of New Baby And Hears Completely Opposite Reactions

7 years ago

When pregnant with a baby, you never know what you will get, the dilemma "It's a boy-It's a girl" will always haunt you, and you may even get twins.

Gender reveal normally eases the tension once learning baby’s sex and it gives parents time to properly prepare for the newborn.

Nowadays it is trending to do gender reveals in front of family and friends, but often such big announcements leave brothers and sisters with mixed emotions. This video captures that moment perfectly.

This video was filmed in the backseat of the family car on August 21, 2017 in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, immediately after receiving the second sonogram.

Watch 6-year-old Jace and his younger brother, Canon, learn about the gender of the new baby, Jace is thrilled about a new baby brother, while Canon is rooting for a baby girl. Their reactions are adorable.

After their mother announced that they will have a baby brother, Jace is instantly happy, while Canon shows disappointment and starts to cry as his brother continued to be thrilled about the news.

Canon wanted a baby girl, maybe given his bad experience with his bigger brother Jace, and cannot stop crying over the news.

Well, we sure hope this big brother eventually learns how to deal with another brother, and comes to term with the fact that he is not getting a baby sister after all.

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