Reginald's Zoom Zealot Build | Darktide | A simple discussion

1 year ago

Is this build fun? Yes
Is this build good? Yes
Is this build FAST? ZOOM ZOOM.

I am sure there are exciting high damage builds for nuking the whole map I haven't tried. But I like to keep things interesting and for me that means going fast and challenging myself mechanically. I think this is a pretty strong build based on my scoreboards but I haven't gone hard on testing just yet. I will, don't you worry. Its coming. Got all my mods working.

If you are interested in hanging out with me, Cashcrop, The Wile Spice and a littany of totally chill folks you are welcome to join us at Reginald's Redemptionists at this link. I let these expire after a while so if you miss it and need a new one just post a comment. I got you bro.

Music by Jesper Kid
#darktide #darktidegameplay

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