and just like that...the thought went POOF!

8 months ago

imma follow the rules just this one time
break at least one rule at all times
hey we're back to this song (which makes sense considering how short the album is)
i have so many things always
marcus quit playing jones also said the same thing about the roundabouts
do you have to stop tho? discretion.
that's probably monsanto corn to be real
i always hated school n anything conventional
"obey your husband" (Orthodox wife of 46yrs from guatamala)
this is just how i talk alright
political correctedness is such a bitch
i don't mean to be mean or dehumanizing
as long as you're not purposely hurting people tho
sexism makes the world a better place
it ain't gonna be me, son
i study everything around me
not wise about $ like at all
i always trusted God, that's it
i dunno why it stopped filming but i was saying that there's a lotta fucked up shit in this world

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