Everything Thing You Need To Know About The Attack On Israel -NOW THE END BEGINS-OCT 7 2023

1 year ago

Pay close attention today, you are watching something you have never seen before. The question we should be asking right now is this. Is Iran behind it? Is Russia behind it? Or is it the LORD preparing the table for the time of Jacob’s trouble?
We have been reporting on the unprecedent attack on Israel for many hours now, a war that grows deeper and more intense by the hour. What is unfolding in front of us is something that no one alive under the age of 75 has ever seen before. There are forces at work right now that can only be explained by opening up a King James Bible and paying a visit to the prophets, which is exactly what we will do, Lord willing, on this very special Saturday episode of the Prophecy News Podcast.

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” Matthew 24:6 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared that a state of war officially and formally exists between the nation of Israel and the Palestinian terrorists known as Hamas. But this is unlike any other war between the two that I can ever recall. All morning we’ve been watching and reporting on Palestinian paragliders landing in Jerusalem, armed with machine guns and spraying bullets. Graphic videos of Israelis being kidnapped and dragged out to be shot and beaten to death. And perhaps the most incredible of all, dozens of IDF tanks being captured by Hamas terrorists, with soldiers being brutalized before their death.

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