Protests in 2023 are pointless and often done for social media likes

1 year ago

Protests in 2023 are pointless and often done for social media likes.

I have stated that protests in 2023 do nothing. It is said Manchester has a protest each day, and no one is interested in most of them.

Often these are just days out for left wing middle class people to pretend to be nice for social media. One suspects most who protest have no real interest in what they protest about.

But somone asked me how do you today raise the issue of something.

The simple answer is you set up a website and talk on such as YouTube and present your facts and debate.

Live chats on such as YouTube allows people to ask you questions and even put a different view forward for you to debate with.

Indeed I welcome people with different views to myself to post and debate with me. I may be wrong about things or you may give an interesting view for me to think about.

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