Major Twist in Trump Fraud Case | Shorts | Facts Matter

1 year ago

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Former President Donald Trump is the current front-runner in the Republican presidential primary.

However, during this period of time in the run-up to the primary election, instead of campaigning around the country, President Trump has been in New York dealing with a legal matter. Among the many legal cases lobbied against him is the case brought forth by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

The 200-page civil lawsuit was brought forth back in September of last year—accusing President Trump, three of his adult children, and the Trump Organization of lying about their asset values, as well as their net worth. Ms. James claims that this lawsuit of hers is the result of a three-year-long investigation.

Now, for his part, President Trump maintains that the loans were negotiated fairly, the interest and principal were paid, and that the only reason that Ms. James filed this lawsuit against him and his family was purely for political reasons.

However, on the flip side, when Ms. James was asked to comment on whether or not her case was politically motivated, she claimed that it’s not true that she has a vendetta against President Trump, and that it’s not true that she campaigned against him. But the only problem with that is the fact that there are a ton of video clips floating around the internet, showing Ms. James doing exactly what she said she didn’t do.

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