The Lord Says - I Offer YOU and OUTSTRETCHED HAND! Prophetic Word from the Lord 2023

8 months ago

Hi everyone, here is a message the Lord gave me on April 23rd, 2023. It is part of the larger series given between Easter and Pentecost. You can find more of these videos on my channel. I encourage you to like, subscribe and comment below as this will help promote the video to others. I also encourage you to share this video with others. Here is the transcription:

April 23rd, 2023

To the Wayward say:
Once you loved me
Once you would come with joy to my temple
You would dance before me
You would lift your voice and your hands
Once you called me Father
You would pray to me
But you have turned aside

Was I not faithful?
Yet you have forgotten your first love
I have not forgotten my promised
I am the faithful one
I am the only one who is true
I offer you an outstretched hand
Return to me!
O wayward ones
Call me Father as you once did
Come to my altar and be healed
Return my sons, my daughters
Turn from your abominations
Turn from your sin
Repent and follow me again
I am the Everloving Father
I am looking for you
I am waiting for you with outstretched arms
Return O prodigal children
The hour is late
The time of my coming draws near

I am a warrior
I will fight for my own
I will not lose any who belong to me
I will ransom them from their captivity
Remember you were bought with a price
I have given you garments of finest linen
I have put my ring on your finger
You are citizens of my household
Sons, Daughters
I am your strong tower
Your fortress forever
I made you as aliens in a foreign land
But soon I will bring you home
Keep watch only a little while longer
For the day of your deliverance is at hand

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